Life is a journey, and it steers me in unpredictable directions. My plans are only minor, compared to the major adventures that God has for me.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Loyal and Loving, a Man's Best friend.

When I think of a man's best friend, do I think of a cat? As a matter of fact, that is false accusation and it is an absurd and shocking thought. Dogs make the world go round and defensive cat lovers believe they are exotic and fancy. A simple task to explain why dogs are so much better than cats and I have many points to prove my theory.

First, dogs are always a consistent bundle of joy. Dogs think you’re the best person in the world even if you are grumpy. When you come home your dog will be they’re licking your face, jumping around and they are just excited and happy when they get to see you. While cats don’t notice you are there unless they are getting their food. Goes to show that dogs are so caring and genuine when it comes to their owner. A dog can sense when you are sad and they will comfort you to make you feel better, cats don’t give a rats behind. Dogs give you that comforting feeling that you are being protected and watched over. Those situations you might be confronted with, from a robber breaking in or a fire starting in your house. The dog will tell you, while the cat just pretends it never saw it or even worse just creep through the window if there was a fire.

Thinking dogs can't get any better than that, but as a matter of fact they can. Dogs are always ready and wanting to play with you. Dogs will play with a ball or a toy for as long as there energy will hold while the only things cats play with is a ball of yarn and mice. Dogs are not only good at overall play, but believe it or not they are good listeners. When you call your dogs name it will come running to you without fail, with a cat if it even knows its name it most likely wont come to you unless you have a can of food in your hand. When you talk to dogs they will make faces and tilt there head and try to work out what your saying while cats just meow and walk away.

The word unselfish means, willing to put the needs or wishes of others before one's own. Mine as well put the word dog in that sentence. Dogs will help you if you’re in trouble and most important they are extremely loyal to their owners, while cats only care about themselves. Dogs are even helpful with getting a ladies attention. If you are a guy do you think a cat will get the girls? The answer is with out a doubt no, only dogs will. Coming from a girl, there is nothing cuter than a puppy or a dog. Even better than that, dogs come in all shapes, colors and sizes to suit the owner’s needs. Cats are pretty boring and they only really vary in colors. It has even been proven that if a child is with a dog the first few years of their life it builds up their immune system and helps prevent asthma and sneezing allergies.

When it is all said and done, and the end of the day, the conclusion is dogs are better than cats. From many reasons I have listed, dogs are smarter then cats by fact and they will learn tricks and those basic commands easy, while having loads of fun. My experiences with dogs have only been happy, heart warming and a unforgettable friend. The definition of loyal, happy and a man's best friend is a fluffy and adorable dog.

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When it comes down to it, I love basically everything. I love to love and love to share my life's experience. Writing a blog is my own personal therapy session.