"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." Which was a quote by the famous and legendary philosopher, Plato. From the past, present, and future, the world and particularly me, has and will be influenced by music. Which brings me to the question, would the world be as entertaining and inspiring place to live without our music? For me, answering that question, coming from someone who at least listens to her ipod an hour a day and a routine of having a dance party at least once a week. It is a no brainer question, resulting in the answer being, no.
It is common sense that music is one of the major tools of inspiration. Knowing this from experience, my main hobby is art. There hasn't been a time where I haven't used music during my paintings or drawings. Countless times where I've been inspired to create or add on to one of my paintings just by listening to legends like; The Beatles, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan and even the great Frank Sinatra. Most musicians are inspired by listening to the their legends, and great performers of the past. What kind of world would it be without Justin Bieber and no Bieber fever? The teen pop superstar wouldn't be the heartthrob sensation he is today, without his all inspiring music that touched so many 12-year-old girls hearts. The over populated Bieber fans, screaming with overwhelming excitement and crying in his presents. On the other hand, that’s probably one thing I could live without.As a matter of fact, one of my best friend's band would have never existed. I'm giving a shout out to, FEATURING BEULAH!
There is no question that music is inspirational, but it’s also an entertaining tool that will catch my attention. From the lyrics that will get stuck in my head, to the beat that may force me to tap my foot and get up and dance. Not only just devises that will help me show off my unforgettable dance skills. Music has a special role for being played in the background of movies and sitcoms. Scary movies wouldn't be as suspenseful without the music that usually brings tension and fear on the screen. How would I know when the shark was going to attack in the movie "Jaws" without those two intense musical notes? I know for a fact, I wouldn't watch as much television and movies if it didn't have that entertaining and exceptional background music.
Music is so much apart of the world and a big part of my own life. Its my stress reliever, my meditation, and the devise that influences me for knowing that there is a greater good and hope in this world. It’s a magical tool that can also fit any emotion that you might be feeling. It’s a excellent feeling blasting Metallica, a famous heavy metal band, after breaking up with a boyfriend or getting laid off from a job. Being able to take all my frustration and irritation by listening to the screaming, bass vibrating band. Music has influenced everyone on this planet some way, shape, or form. A world without music is not a world I would want to live in. When it all comes down to it all, the great Billy Joel sums it up for me by saying,” I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music."